Brave Writer

Writing a Greek Myth offers students the opportunity to write myth stories in the style of traditional Greek myths. Students read selected myths from D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths, identify the key literary elements common to the stories, and then imitate the writing patterns present in these tales to create original writing pieces. Themes under exploration include:


Week One

Students examine how the Greeks used myth tales to explain the mysteries of nature. They’ll use that study to craft an explanatory tale in the Greek style. 

Week Two

Students study a myth to uncover patterns of vivid character description.  Using those character description elements, students create an original conflict story featuring the gods.

Week Three

This week, students look at Greek hero stories and the structure of the hero’s journey. Students finish the week drafting their final project, a twisted Greek myth. 

Week Four

The week for the final revision and editing polish. Students leave class with a compelling original myth story. 

Common Core and Academic Standards Support

What follows is a word bank and set of skills associated with this class. Use them to craft your own learning narrative for use in year-end evaluations, charter school reports, or any other accountability source.

Word Bank

  • Character
  • Explanatory/Pourquoi tales
  • Hero’s journey
  • Myth writing
  • Opening hook
  • Plot
  • Revision
  • Sequencing
  • Setting
  • Story arc
  • Theme
  • Vivid detail
  • Writing craft
  • Writer’s voice

Core Skills

  • Analyze structure of text
  • Cite textual evidence to support conclusions
  • Craft an opening hook that compels the reader
  • Determine central ideas and themes
  • Identify moral or lesson
  • Identify patterns
  • Interpret and retell in own voice
  • Revise writing for clarity, flow, order, interest, and economy of language
  • Study narrative arc: action, background, development, climax, resolution
  • Utilize vivid detail in description
  • Utilize established patterns to create original narrative
  • Write detailed, organized, structured original narratives